High-temperature short-time pasteurization of milk jeans and. khaki slacks; 牛奶高温短时灭菌法牛仔裤。咔叽布短裤。
Effect of homogenization and pasteurization parameters on stability of peanut milk; 研究了可可粉预处理及均质条件对可可奶稳定性的影响。
The next commercial process to be illustrated is pasteurization of milk. 要说明的下一个商业工艺是牛奶的巴氏杀菌。
High-temperature short-time pasteurization of milk Effect of high-pressure steam sterilization on dimension stability of dental cast: an experiment study 高温高压灭菌对口腔医学模型精准度影响的研究
High-temperature short-time pasteurization of milk have a long, quiet, little, etc read 牛奶高温短时灭菌法长时间、静静、短时间等的阅读
Through experiments, that adoption was with the milt protein as a main composition, combining other antiseptics to out the Neutral Food Compound Preservative ( NFCP), and applied in the pasteurization to disinfect the inside of sweet milk beverage. 采用以鱼精蛋白为主要成分,结合其他防腐剂的优点,复配出中性食品复合防腐剂(NFCP),并应用于巴氏杀菌甜牛乳饮料中。
The above antimicrobial coating film applied to pasteurization milk/ coconut milk. The total number of colonies in milk/ coconut milk was measured at different time by the method of bacteria coating. 将上述抗菌涂层薄膜应用于巴氏灭菌牛奶和椰汁,在不同时间用细菌涂布法计量牛奶/椰汁中的菌落总数。